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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A New Beginning

How many people can you remember who were in a situation such as a job or a relationship that added nothing positive to their life and they were miserable or not as happy as they could be as a result?  I've met so many people in the last 2 years who were/are in that exact situation. But since this is the Optimist Island blog, let me share a positive spin.

Some of those people took action, changed jobs or ended relationships and suddenly realized how happy they were now. "I feel alive again" said one. "I wish I had done this sooner" said another. "I have a fresh new start and I'm so excited!" is exactly what Debbie told me the other day.

This blog is to give you hope. As painful as it may be to make changes, the end result is often like a glorious rebirth, fresh-start and as the title says, a "New Beginning" for you.
Encourage a friend to get out of the rut they are in because the future is brighter than the past. I'm not saying the change will be easy but it's most likely necessary to find happiness again.

This is a quote that another friend shared on Facebook ~ which really sums it all up.

"Life is short! Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love Truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and Never regret anything that made you smile."

Make a positive change in your current situation. You have probably thought about for a year or years - so why not just go for it? If this is something you have wanted to do for a long time, what do you have to lose? Believe in yourself and give it a shot.

Enjoy the New Beginning for the next exciting chapter in your life!   Woohoo!!

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