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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lessons learned in 2009

I know that 2010 is just 3 days away ~ but before we blast into the New Year with great excitement, I have a question for you. What were the best parts and lessons of 2009?

Some people I have spoken with have written off the entire year as a catastrophe. I know a lot of folks felt a LOT of pain and despair - but I'd find it hard to believe that nothing positive happened in their life this year. I guess it depends on what you want to focus your energy on. Call me an optimist - but if I had to shovel through a room of manure looking for the pony in there ~ I'll do it!

Just to get this conversation going, I'll share some of the best parts and lessons for me.
I do hope YOU will share at least One thing that's not too personal ~ or share that with me on my private email.  :)

One of my many goals was to be listed at the top of Google when my name was typed into the search box. In January, I was listed on page 3. Thanks to Mark Lewis and Paul Castain who have taught me more about blogging, social media, keywords and how to be more active on my website - my name and company is listed first whenever my name is searched.

Although you may not be surprised, there a Lot of Neil Wood people out there - from world class surfers to soccer stars. I wanted to be listed first so that my positive messages, iTunes and YouTube programs could be easily found and subsequently give people hope to persevere! All of these are free ~ as my mission to be a Beacon of Hope.

Another goal was to workout at least 1 hour every day for 365 days. Mission accomplished and despite the horrendous economy ~ I'm in excellent physical shape. That's important to me because it keeps my mind fresh, attitude positive, energy level at a 10 on most days and it does wonders for confidence and self-esteem. I've also had a lot of fun working out and meeting new people.

I'm not going to bore you with what I wanted to accomplish~ but I'm proud about all the progress I made.  I will tell you that I did NOT accomplish everything I wanted to. That's life! I gave it my best but the economy and budget cuts were out of my control. C'est la vie. When I look at all I did accomplish, it gives me momentum as we wrap this year up and surge into the new decade.

I do hope you will share even ONE meaningful highlight from 2009.
Until the next post ~ remain optimistic and have as much fun as possible!

Optimistically yours ~

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Setting Goals the SMART way!

One of my friends sent a note on Facebook and asked me to share a few ideas on setting goals. So, I'll share an abbreviated version of my 90 minute Goals program. The mnemonic I have used for 25 years is SMART

1. S - Specific. Your goal(s) must be specific. Saying you want earn more, or be happier or lose some weight is too vague. Specifically how much do you want to earn this year? How much weight do you want to lose and by what date?  "Some money or some weight is not specific. Once you have a specific goal, write it down on paper.

When I listened to Zig Ziglar's cassette on how to set goals (1977) I set two specific goals immediately. I wanted to lose 30 pounds and be able to run 6 miles without stopping. 6 months later ~ I accomplished both goals.

2. M - Measurable. Your progress must be measurable so that you can stay on track and feel good about the success you are having along the way. Create a "flight-plan" which notes where you are now, how you will get to your goal and estimated time of arrival.

When I flew from Boston to Denver last week, the pilot gave us periodic updates so we knew where we were and how close to our goal we were getting. As You reach these measurable points, give yourself a meaningful reward. We all know that Positive reinforcement goes a long way.

3. A - Attainable. You all know that I am an Optimist. I'm also a "Realist" ~ just so you know.  My 15 year-old son came into the house with exciting news. He was going to enter a 150 mile bike race to help raise money for cancer. "Great!" I said.   Since he doesn't ride his bike at all, I asked how many months he was going to train. "Oh, the race is in 5 days." he said.  He never entered. When I gave myself 6 months to reach my goals - that was attainable, measurable and specific.

You DO want to set what I call "stretch" goals to keep you excited - and they should be attainable. Don't fall victim to "Happy Hope" and "Someday Isle" like many do.

4. R - Relevant.  Your goal MUST be important to you. Write the reasons WHY you want to reach your goal(s). What will this success do for you?

One of my favorite coaching clients wanted to lose 60 pounds so that she could have more energy, sleep 6 hours instead of 10, fit into her size 4 pants again, (before she became overweight) -and she wanted to look more fit for the upcoming reunion with her college friends. Those goals were Very important and Relevant - and she accomplished her goals and feels like she's 26 again!

5. T - Time specific   I've referred to this several times in this blog. Setting a specific date is Critical to going after your goals with passion. There's Nothing like a sense of urgency to help us get projects done. When I want to redecorate and clean my home - I just organize a big party about 4 weeks away. It's amazing what I can get done when I have a goal-line. (notice I don't call it a "dead-line")

So set a specific date to complete your goal by.

Finally, have a reward picked out when you reach your goal. Treat yourself. Maybe it's a weekend in Boca Raton or a flight to San Diego or dinner at your favorite restaurant.
Reward yourself for your discipline and success.  Then, set more goals of course.

Reaching worthwhile goals has wonderful benefits. You will have increased confidence, self-esteem, pride and Optimism. Everyone I know who reaches goals regularly - is very optimistic and excited about LIFE and the incredible opportunities.

Be SMART and pursue your Goals with Passion!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Good morning Friends!  It's still very quiet here while everyone is sound asleep. That will change in an hour so I want to share this moment and wish you a Merry Christmas.

Gift yourself to something special and meaningful to you. Go on ~ do it without guilt.

We've all worked SO hard this year.  Do something for YOU now. Get a massage, a spa treatment, a dinner with friends at your favorite restaurant or anything else that helps you feel better.  Whatever it takes to help you smile and be happy about the great things you did for others this year.

I hear my daughter waking up ~ which means we are minutes away for a houseful of excitement, laughter, wrapping paper and SMILES!!!

I wish you all a Great day!  Peace, good health and time with friends!
Merry Christmas!

Your friend,

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A half-dozen of my favorite books

I read as many books as I can every year because I enjoy learning new ideas and refreshing other thoughts in my mind. I've noticed that at the end of every year for the past 30, I tend to read books that inspire me for the new year. So, my gift to you today is to share six of my favorites. I welcome you to share your favorites too!

1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (published in 1937)    The title is misleading to people who have Not read it yet. When I ask my audience how many have read Think and Grow Rich, I always get a few "snickers" from those who think it's another book from The Donald.  It's nothing like his books. Brian Tracy (one of my favorite speakers and sales trainers) says "This is the best single book on personal success ever written; it made me a millionaire - starting from nothing."   Harvey Mackay, the New York Times Bestseller says "It's the classic of all classics."  Buy 2 copies and give one to a friend who needs a boost these days.

2. The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr Norman Vincent Peale (published in 1952)
This is THE greatest inspirational bestseller our our time. I read it in 1970 when I was just 14 years old. It gave me great hope while I was living on welfare with my family.

3. Lifetime Plan for Success by Dale Carnegie.   This book contains 2 bestsellers by Mr. Carnegie. How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936) and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1944)     My guess is that most of you have read his books - but just in case you haven't yet, you may want to add it to your list.   I even gave a copy to my teenage son and asked for a book report on it.

4. Unstoppable by Cynthia Kersey    45 Powerful stories of perseverance and triumph from people just like you.  What a great read. She also wrote Unstoppable for Women.
There are so many inspiring stories in the book that I couldn't put it down!

5. The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino. I have a copy of Three Volumes In One which also contains The Greatest Secret in the World and The Greatest Miracle in the World.

6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. I always smile when I look at this book because I was so "wowed" by it that I changed my license plate to WINWIN.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all of you. I wish you and your loved ones plenty of smiles, memorable moments and good health.

Sincerely ~  Neil    The Mayor of Optimist Island

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Napoleon Hill quotes for LIFE!!

"The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results."

"Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate. So practice happy thinking every day. Cultivate the merry heart, develop the happiness habit, and life will become a continual feast."

"Never talk defeat. Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory."

"Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have."

Mr. Hill wrote books about Attitude and Persistence that sold tens of millions  - in the early 1900s.
The principles still apply today!   

If you are looking for a great gift that can be enjoyed for the next 50 years - buy one of Napoleon Hill's books for someone!  Reading his books can result in a life-changing result!

Your friend


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Resilience Prescription fm The Survivor's Club

One of my closest friends from my teenage years (yes, a very long time ago) shared the Resilience Prescription by Dr. Charney. This is from the book, The Survivors Club.
I enjoyed it and hope you do also!

1. Practice Optimism
2. Identify a resilient role model
3. Develop a moral compass and unbreakable beliefs
4. Practice altruism - help others
5. Be flexible and adaptive
6. Face your fears and control negative emotions
7. Build active coping skills
8. Establish a social network to help you
9. Stay physically fit
10. Laugh as much as possible!

My mission continues to share as much optimism and hope with as many people as possible. Together, we can keep each other strong enough to make it to the more prosperous days ahead!   Live, learn and pass the good news on!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Share your enthusiasm with anyone!

Yesterday I hosted 2 excellent workshops. I describe them as excellent because of the people who attended. They took notes, paid attention, asked questions and were engaged in the conversation for 75 minutes. I talked about Goal setting and How to remain energized and optimistic daily!   Both topics are near and dear to me - especially in this economy.

Whenever I speak at an event, I tell the audience that I want them to gain at least ONE new idea that they can apply rather quickly to their life. I know they'll get more than one idea - but I would rather under-promise and over-deliver!   I'm doing ALL I can to be a Beacon of Hope until the economy turns around and more people can have fun and laugh again. Sharing ideas about goals, attitude, daily activities and finding fellow optimists are some of the ideas I share with passion.

BUT finally, here is my point. Instead of only applying the idea to your life - what I REALLY want you to do is Share it with someone in need. We all know someone like that. People need encouragement, hope, a kind pat on the back and a smile!

So your mission - if you choose to accept it - is to make a difference in someone's day.  The best part of this idea is that you will BOTH feel better!  Remember, a candle lighting another candle, loses nothing.  When you read a quote that inspires you or even makes you laugh - share it with at least one other person. Then again, share it with 3 people!

Have fun, laugh, smile and do the best you can!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Most Optimistic Guy I've ever known!

In 1978, I had the great fortune of meeting Colonel Tom Kirk. He became my mentor and friend - then taught me lessons in life that I'll remember forever. Tom was a fighter pilot during the Viet Nam war. During a bombing mission, his jet was shot down and he was captured then imprisoned at the Hanoi Hilton. For nearly 4 1/2 years - he was tortured daily, starved and you can only imagine what else.

But Tom's story is about hope, optimism and persistence. When I asked Tom what separated those POW's who gave up and died - compared to those who survived and went on to live successful lives, he gave me a very simple answer.

Tom told me the he thought about his family back home and looked forward to the day they would all be together again. He had exciting goals that gave him hope. He also played the saxophone "in his mind", which provided a pleasant distraction. But the real "Aha" moment was the thought process he experienced when he was released from the POW camps. This was the advice that helped me get over my own "pity party" about my past.

"Neil, we all have challenges in our past and we cannot change those situations. They happened for a reason. Maybe to make us stronger, maybe to teach us lessons or maybe so that we could appreciate the better times. Whatever the reasons, we cannot change the past. BUT, the future is in your hands right now. YOU are responsible for your success now. Write your goals on paper, surround yourself with other great attitudes - like yours and help other people succeed in life. If you do those things - I know you will be Very Successful!"

Tom is still the most optimistic guy I know - even at age 80. He Loves Life!!

So the takeaway here is to focus on your future and don't dwell in the past. Create exciting goals for yourself!  Stay away from negative people, negative TV news and negative environments. Read or listen to something inspiring and positive for 5-15 minutes each morning. It will jump-start your day with energy and optimism.

If Tom can survive 4 1/2 years of torture in prison - then I'm certain we can survive this whacky economy. Have hope, take charge of your life and make a difference in the lives around you!

Your attitude is YOUR choice - every minute, hour & day!

There aren't many things in life that we have much control over. It makes no sense to complain about the weather, the economy or politics - because no matter how much we moan and groan, it won't do any good...but can certainly be harmful!

Here's your thought for the day:
 "It is not what happens to us that makes a difference. It's how we react to it and what action we take next."     Keep things in perspective and make the best of the situation.

Be aware of the positive things that happen each day. IF you do that - instead of watching for the negatives, you will have more energy, a better attitude and better relationships!